Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Trail day and the elusive Nessie

I've been biking for about five years now, and for four of the five, I was under the assumption that trails built and maintained themselves. Or at least small woodland creatures were banding together to keep the trails from getting overgrown. Recently, it was explained to me that an army of dedicated riders actually give up their free time to go work on trails so that other riders, like myself, can enjoy the fruits or their selfless labor. I know what you're saying, the idea of squirrels with weed-whackers is a much more believable theory, but you have to trust me on this one, I've seen the army of human workers with my own eyes. Yesterday, Manawa was given the once-over and is now in pristine condition. Thanks to the powers-that-be for organizing the trail day and thanks for the hard work you've done on all the other trails that I've always taken for granted.

On my way out of Manawa, something caught my eye in the lake. I grabbed my video camera and captured some pretty remarkable footage. Check it out.

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