Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Higher Ed.

My bosses here at Grace really want me to go back to school. Something about the school looking better if I have my PhD. I wondering if I can get a 1 hour P.E. credit for the crash course I got in Expert Mountain Biking yesterday. Met up with the man simply known as Holmes yesterday. We were going to take a spin around the new sections at Swanson. I figured that if Holmes went too fast, I could fall back and go my own pace. Not even halfway through the ride we met up with Mod. GREAT, I was now in the middle of an expert sandwich. Well, I survived the first lap with Holmes leading and did a second lap with Mod. I will end with two thoughts. First, thanks to Mod and Holmes for a great ride. WOW those guys can fly. Secondly, Mod, the Goatheads WILL see you in Spearfish next year. (don't make any plans for Labor Day next year fellas)

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